Autolite - Carburetor

Category: Site related Stuff
Published on Tuesday, 09 April 2013 09:22
Written by Klaus
Hits: 53705

Autolite - Carburetor tune up specifications

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Comments: This book answers nearly all questions concerning carbs...

This book is very usefull for everthing concerning these early carbs. It starts with the several steps that have to be taken when overhauling or reconditioning your carburator. Starting with the one barrel autolite carbs from Ford, it show every 2 barrel, 4 barrel, Holley, Carter and Ford carb. The general purpose of this 160 pages manual, is to provide a convenient source of information to which every wrencher may refer for the adjustment procedures and related specifications needed to perform a carb tune-up. The manual is arranged in seperate sections, which group the carburators covered according to the number of barrels and their manufacturer. Each section first provide exploded view to aid with disassembly and assembly operations. In the next section you will an detailed and very good pictured explanation for the adjustment and finaly it tabulate the specifications.